OTP Mastercard Credit card

Card's characteristics

Minimum salary
:1500 RON
Maximum card limit
:30000 RON
Annual card cost
:0 RON
Issuing Cost
:0 RON
Fixed interest of the bank


  • 10% cash back from the value of purchases, in the limit of 500 RON
  • 12 interest free insatllments for any purchase of at least 300 RON in Romania or abroad
  • Up to 55 days grace period for merchant transactions

User reviews

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed about credit cards are the reviewer's alone, and do not reflect the views of or the credit card issuer. Reviews have not been approved or otherwise endorsed by

Write your review of the OTP Mastercard Credit card credit card

10% money back la orice plata in limita a 500 lei?

Reviewed by Fabian - 18 Jan 2023

Legat de: 10% bani inapoi din valoarea tranzac?iilor efectuate la comercian?i, în limita a 500 lei Pe site-ul lor nu se specifica asa ceva. E ceva legat de 10% bani inapoi daca folosesc BlackCab, nu pentru orice tranzactie efectuata la comercianti. Sau nu vad eu bine?
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