Banca Transilvania STAR Forte

Card's characteristics

Maximum card limit
:25000 RON
Annual card cost
:25 RON
Issuing Cost
:20 RON
Fixed interest of the bank


  • Save money in the form of Star Points in over 10,000 partner stores
  • You have up to 12 installments interest free and no commission with the partner merchants through the STAR program
  • You get 10 RON bonus in Star Points at the tiome of your first payment
  • Speed and convenience when paying due to the built-in contactless technology

User reviews

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Write your review of the Banca Transilvania STAR Forte credit card

Card de cump?r?turi

Reviewed by Andreea Dihel - 22 Jun 2023

Asi dori acest card de cump?r?turi
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